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Bufo Alvarius Training*


This training* is for people who wish to serve the sacred bufo alvarius toad medicine. It will be hosted at our beautiful center outside of Rosarito Mexico, and possibly our ranch in Tecate Mexico (transportation will be provided from location to location). You will receive all the tools to be able to serve this sacred medicine.

During your time with us, you will sit with the medicine in a number of different ways, with varying dosages, so that you can understand how to embody this medicine as well as understand where a person is at in their journey that you will guide in the future. You will learn to become a channel that understands energy and traumas, so you can become a conduit to others healing. You will be led by our team who has served thousands of people.

We will focus on carrying the medicine properly, safe practices, different traditions, blending your own techniques, grounding and clearing energy and integration. You will learn to serve this medicine safely to yourself as well as others in an efficient and safe way.

Food and lodging will be provided*



Participants will have access to purchasing medicine which is collected from the Siri Indians and collected sustainably with great respect to the Toads.

*Bufo Alvaris training requires prior approval, please contact us for more information

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